Friday, March 09, 2007

Happy Post

I promised a happy post a little while ago, and I never delivered :) but that's only because I've been incredibly busy being absurdly happy.

well some of the time anyway :)

I had such good luck this week. I brought my car into the shop, because the check engine light was on, and the mechanic told me that the problem was extreme, and that there was no reason to repair it: that I might as well sell my car for scrap. This news was so bad that I didn't even react bad. I just kind of laughed it off as incredibly bad luck. The funny thing is this: it was good luck, in disguise.

I went down to the shop and talked to the mechanic. He told me that the engine was misfiring, that the PSI on the cylinders was about 100 on 5 of them, and like 250 on 1. He told me that this meant that there was internal valve damage, and it would be major work, which would result in costs that were more than the blue book of my car... This is where it gets fishy: He offers to buy the car off me, and offers to "Help me out" with the bill I had with him, if I wanted to sell it to him. He indicated that the price he would give me was around $100. I told him I could sell the rims on ebay for more than that, and that I would spend a few days considering my options.

I called them up, and paid for their "Diagnostic" over the phone, and had a tow truck pick up my car and tow it to VW. When it got to VW, they told me that there was just a short in the spark plug wires and that it would be easy to fix.

They replaced the spark plug wires, and the coil, and gave it a full service for $1,600 (after tax).

Now here is how I see it: If I had brought it to VW from the start, I would have been mad that I had to pay 1,600. I would have thought that I was getting robbed... but thanks to the good people at Purcell's, I was expecting to be out about $10,000 on the deal, so $1,600 sounded great to me :)

How lucky is that?

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I was looking at this blog, and I realized how hateful I sound. I rant on here pretty often, cause its a nice way to unleash, but I really don't have nearly as much hate in my heart as I would seem to from reading my own blog :)

I think my next post will be about something positive... More to come tomorrow.