The batteries on my scale have been dead for months, and I figured that was a convenient problem since my Wife is pregnant, and I'm packing on the pregnancy weight once again. On friday I took my daughter, Abigail, to an ENT that didn't have a baby scale. To get her weight, they had me stand on the scale, then had me hold Abigail to get her weight. It turned out to be very easy to subtract out her weight from mine because I'm now a cool 200 lbs.
If you know me, you might have noticed that I'm big on over correcting, so continuing on that tradition, I've decided to run the half marathon again this year.
The haf marathon is 1/16, so that gives me about 4 weeks to get off the couch and in shape to run the 21km.
If anyone wants to rock this one with me, let me know. I'll probably be training at very strange hours because of the Baby, but I'd be happy to meet you at the starting line.