It happens on every playground, and even when we are grown. People advance at the cost of others. From giving wet willies to spreading rumors, cc’ing the boss to fighting for covered parking, these prideful outbursts happen throughout our whole life. We let ourselves think that we deserve more than other people. We think that we’ve tried harder, or done more, or were born in a better place, and we blindly let our nature take over and go whatever it needs to do to prove our superiority. If you think about this and say “No, that’s not me”, then you are exactly who I’m talking about. You have such a high opinion of yourself that you are unwilling to even consider the fact that you might actually do the things I think of. We all do, all the time, it’s basically something that you can’t avoid. Even when you have the lowest self esteem in the world, you are still in the same boat. You think, “Why is that person so secure? What do they have that I don’t have?”
Pride is so bad for that exact reason; it makes us blind to recognize it.
Pride makes the world a bad place, because when people are oppressed, their pride will usually cause them to drop to the level of their oppressor, and fight fire with fire. But they are usually so mad about it and get so worked up that they up the anti a little, and this creates a cycle that is very hard to break.
What’s the solution? Just have Sympathy for your oppressors, be kind to them, they are only doing this because it has been done to them, and they are blind to what they are doing. If you let yourself be a victim, you can hold onto the hope that they will start too have sympathy for you. That is a medicine that might cure this curse of human nature.
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