Many people around the office have this heir of entitlement. They all seem the think that though they don’t do anything, they should be promoted, respected, and empowered because they think they are somehow entitled to be. They have this idea that everything they do is right, and everything everyone else does is wrong, and everyone thinks they could do everyone else’s job better. They keep their noses in the air, and don’t listen to anything unless it comes out of their own mouth. If you have a killer idea, they don’t like it until they repeat it and coin it as their own.
I think we all know and hate people like this, but through some freak occurrence, they all ended up working here. Maybe it is this place that changes them.
When I started, all I wanted was what I had, plus a little raise every year. But I find that the more time I spend here, and the more I am attacked by these people, the more I become one of them in defense.
This attitude is poison, and it’s infected my entire office… thought I love the work I do, I need to exit before I let this poison take its toll on me. What a shame... give up something you love to protect yourself from becoming something you hate.