Saturday, June 21, 2008

My MOP!!! dabbling in video editing

On Wednesday my buddy Logan asked, "why does every nerd on the internet know how to make a lightsaber fight?".

It was a good question... Making a lightsaber fight video is probably something that every nerd out there has thought about at one time or another. I'm positive it's crossed my mind before. So I decided this was probably a good time to give it a try.

Once I installed all the right software, it was really quite easy to do. I only spent 30 minutes actually editing the video (after hours of setting up software). with another 30 minutes you could really make a pretty good looking video, but since this was just a proof-of-concept, this is where I stopped:

It's not exactly star wars quality, but it's almost UHF quality

Thanks to Logan Swapp for the idea and Kevin Gay for help with some of the resources :-p

...for those who don't get the reference it turns out that youtube has everything, so here is the reference :-p

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