Thursday, July 10, 2008

Caffine Junky

Last night, after a long day of work, I was numbing out to a little crime TV. Near the end of the show the writers must have realized that the plot was a little too boring, so they threw in the classic "My Partner is secretly addicted to pain killers" sub-plot to spice things up. Seeing this was a little pathetic, but it's not particularly worthy of a blog entry. But the series of thoughts that went through my head after probably are.

As I watched the drama unfold, I started to think about how I might present myself to my colleagues at work. From time to time I certainly look as stung out as this alleged pill popper detective did. I got to thinking how sometimes I react in a stronger way than would seem necessary to some scenarios. I also realized that I do get impatient like our pill popping detective, and I do become easily flustered and when I'm in rare-form I even fly off the handle over seemingly insignificant things.

These thoughts all got me thinking maybe I am a junky, but if I'm a junky what's my juice? Coffee and/or stress! I'm not sure whether it's the poison of the stress or of the coffee, but I don't always look entirely healthy from 8:00-5:00.

Today, I am going to start limiting my coffee fix to one cup in the morning... Just to wake me up a little bit. Lets see if this simple change can make a difference in my day. :-)

Are you a junky? If so, what is your juice?

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