Friday, August 03, 2007

Some Colorado Videos

I'm trying out You Tube to host some videos. from the recent Colorado hike. I'm not sure how much I like it, and it takes FOREVER to upload, but I think it's pretty decent.

Check this one out:

In this video, I am making my way along the ridgeline of Mt Yale as it starts to hail on us above 14,000 ft. I had to put my camera away pretty quick because it's not waterproof, but you get the idea. This ridgeline is literally a straight drop on both sides, and though it's pretty timid here, you have to use all 4 limbs at times to stay on the face of the mountain, and the wet rocks don't help :)

I know that a friend had a water proof camera, I can't wait to see what he was able to record.

In this video, i just do a quick 360 from the top of Mt Huron, another 14ner in Colorado.

More videos on my youtube account.


Ben said...

Wow - I can hear the hail. And the panorama shot looks amazing. You should take my HD camcorder next only weighs a few pounds.

Bob Wold said...

lol on the few pound camera :) Actually my little point and shoot camera did a pretty good job... Seems like they loose a lot of quality when you move to youtube. I think this requires a follow up post... Monday I'm going to upload those videos to and and see which of the 3 server it up the best.

Thanks for the comment!