Let me apologize before you even start reading... I'm all over the board on this one. A.D.D. maybe?
So, I was on my way into work today, and I saw this guy working on some landscaping. He caught my eye because of his American bandanna. He probably just got it 50% off after the 4th of July, but it made me think about the recent immigration attention... I don't think that this man is less American than me. He might even be more American than me.

Taken on 48th st South of Guadalupe
July 9th 2007
Now he's not enlisted in the army or anything, he's not risking his life, but he is doing a job for a more competitive rate than the rest of us would be willing to do it for. And while most of us are in a panic about securing our borders to prevent illegal immigration, illegal immigrants are busy doing the work that we feel we're too good to do, or we wouldn't get paid enough to do.
America is a nation, founded on the idea of freedom. This freedom is what we should be looking to protect, not the purity of our nation.
I think that most people (mostly white people) are more worried about the color of the skin that makes up America's population. I think that too many white people are afraid that America will become brown. Here's an idea:
if you're so afraid of being outnumbered, STOP KILLING YOUR BABIES.
I think that the mentality that allows people to kill their own children, is in fact the same mentality that creates fear of minority growth. It's this idea that you need to fit into a picture perfect image in order to achieve happiness: One boy, one girl, in a safe, white neighborhood, with a picket fence, and the nicest house on the block.
Not only is this wrong, it's disastrous. Once you step all over people to try to gain this theoretical happiness, and once you have everything on your list, you'll realize that is didn't bring you any happiness was anyway. All you've done is destroy the happiness of others to get there. And once you're there, and still unhappy, you will start to become depressed, questioning the point of life, and consider suicide. which brings up another good idea:
To be honest, I would prefer a world where we embrace a free market... capitalism..., and let the best, and cheapest have the job. If you are afraid that you're job can be done better and cheaper by someone else, than you'd better improve. Don't worry about protecting your cushy job that you are under qualified for, worry about improving, and being all that you can be. and Maybe you'll find happiness along the way.