Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Wrath of the Mailman

For those of you who are following the mail man situation, here is a nice follow up. Yesterday, I gt home from work, and saw the wrath of the mailman!

This is not for the faint of heart... so please make your children close their eyes.

Here is is; The Wrath of the mail man!

Taken July 17, 2007
in front of my house
Ok, so maybe it was just the wind, or the garbage man set it down wrong, or whatever... but maybe it was the wrath of the mail man... So just in case, I decided to trim my bush this morning. I wouldn't want the mail man to get too ticked off, he does have a lot of power after all, imagine how much a mail man could hurt you... He could just throw away those tax documents, and bills, and before you know it you could be in a tough situation. Probably better to work with the system on this one :)


Anonymous said...

He's just mad because I almost ran him over a couple of years ago...

Bob Wold said...

you might be on to something here...

Anonymous said...

think about this, could it be some kid, like you said, "the wind", or some angry walker?? If you want to blame the person who is delivers mail to your house, keeps an eye out for the neighborhood, brings you your "tax' info, and some of those out there..your checks... Wouldn't this be a weekley happening?? So let me ask you a question, in your office, is it your fault that the cofffee machine is empty, just because you happen to be in the area?? Is it you fault the toilet paper is gone because you peed??
Well maybe it is the fault of the mailman then. I love the people out there who like to Blame others when they have no idea.. Jerk!!