Thursday, June 14, 2007

Photos from June 14, 2007

Apparently someone has something worth protecting :-p I thought this was a cool little gate/fence. It is really funny to me for some reason; it looks so cute and friendly, but the sign says, "BEWARE OF THE DOG" and the fence is clearly designed to injure anyone who tries to get over it :)

Taken on 48th st, south of Broadway
June 14, 2007

It seems weird to me that we spend so much time trying to grow plants that shouldn't naturally exist here, then we need to water them heavily, and spend all our time cleaning up after them. Then weeds start to grow because we spend so much time making it easy to grow things there, and we spend all our time removing them.

Taken on 48th st, south of Broadway
June 14, 2007

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